Photography may vary from just proving an object is ‘here’ to an extensive report on its condition. Also for the capturing of situations or a process photography has proven to be invaluable.
Even though our photo’s are not created with the intention of pulblication or any enlarged prints they will serve your needs for posting on websites an/or inclusion in publications.
We will make sure that the objects are clear and visible, recognisable and complete. Our preference is to use reference materials in our photo’s to make future conclusions about fading or discolouration objective. A well-known example is the colour chart. A photograph with this map in view will make it possible to determine any discolouration objectively in the future.

Contact Object
Do you have a specific question or would you like to know more about how we work?
Please do not hesitate to contact us. Call us on +32 492 45 22 68 or email