Disaster recovery

A disaster usually is an unwanted and unforeseen happening. For us, this involves the (possibility of) damage to objects and/or interior. The employees of Object can boost on over 30 years of experience in the preparation for and actual protection of objects in a wide variety of disasters. In this period, more than 300 cases have been worked on controlling, redirecting and preventing damage as a result of, among other things; building dust, pollution, water damage, fire, collapse, vandalism, mold, insects, breakage, deliberate damage, faulty climate installation, incorrect packaging etc.

We gladly put all this experience and the thereby gained expertise at the disposal of caretakers of our cultural heritage. We offer help with aftercare, recovery, assessement or prevention. The latter is, to us, the most important. Proper and usefull planning to have an organisation equiped and ready for a quick and practical response to disaster is much more effective than standard issued supplies that help to ‘tick the box’. Last but definitely not least we help in determining the cause of damage and so help future prevention.

Contact Object

Do you have a specific question or would you like to know more about how we work?

Please do not hesitate to contact us. Call us on +32 492 45 22 68 or email info@object-care.be.